
Faculty Members
  • Dr. Koutras Athanasios (Faculty Member), Associate Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept, University of Peloponnese

    Dr. Athanasios Koutras (IEEE M’ 06) received both the Diploma and the Ph.D. Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras, Greece, in 1996 and 2022, respectively. He is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Peloponnese in Patras, Greece. His research interests include medical image analysis, brain signal analysis, speech and audio processing, and brain-computer interfaces. Dr. Koutras is the head of the Signal, Image Processing & Pattern Recognition (SIPPRE) Group in the ECE Department and a member of the IEEE, ENNS, and Technical Chamber of Greece.

  • Dr. Dermatas Evaggelos (External Member), Professor, Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras (Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition)

    Evangelos S. Dermatas received the Diploma and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Patras, Rio, Greece, in 1985 and 1991, respectively. He is currently a Professor with the Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras. His research interests include statistical signal processing, pattern recognition, computer security, and information extraction.

  • Kostopoulos George (External Member), M.D., PhD, Professor Emeritus and past Chairman of the Department of Physiology at the Medical School of the University of Patras (EEG signal analysis, Human Brain Dynamics)

  • Dr. Kokkinos Vassileios (External Member), Assistant Professor of Neurology at Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, US (EEG signal analysis, Human Brain Dynamics)

    Vasileios Kokkinos received the diploma of electrical and computer engineering and the MSc in hardware-software integrated systems from the Engineering School of the University of Patras, Greece, in 1998 and 2001 respectively. Under the supervision of George K. Kostopoulos, MD, PhD, Dr. Kokkinos joined the neurophysiology unit of the Medical School of the University of Patras and completed a PhD thesis on the neurophysiology of normal human sleep in 2010. He completed a second PhD thesis on neurophysiological features of focal and generalized epileptic syndromes of childhood in 2016. His research interests include clinical neurophysiology, epilepsy and epilepsy surgery.

  • Dr. Koupparis Andreas (External Member), Assistant Professor, Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics (EEG signal analysis, Human Brain Dynamics).

    Koupparis Andreas obtained his medical degree from Athens University, Greece, in 2005. He is a board certified neurologist in Greece, and was trained during his residency in Eginition Hospital of Athens. He has a MSc in Neuroinformatics and earned his PhD in 2016 at University of Patras medical school, Greece. His main research interests are EEG signal analysis, sleep neurophysiology and epilepsy. Since July 2018 he joined Prof. Gotman’s research group as a postdoctoral fellow focusing on EEG-fMRI studies for epilepsy surgery. He is currently Head of the Epilepsy Clinic and the Neurophysiology lab, Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics.

Postdoctorate Researchers
  • Dr. Nyi Nyi Tun, Biomedical Engineer (Silent Speech recognition in EEG based BCI systems).

    Dr. Nyi Nyi Tun received the Ph.D. degree in information science from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, in March 2022. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher with the University of Peloponnese, Greece. He is also researching biomedical and neural circuits in fusion with mechatronics engineering. With a passion for volunteering, he is dedicated to contributing to society and collaborating with students and professionals globally.

Senior Researchers
  • Dr. Apostolopoulos George (External Member), Electrical & Computer Engineer (Medical Image analysis)

    Dr. George Apostolopoulos received his Dr.-Ing. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Patras (UP), Greece in 2010. Since 2004 he has been a research fellow of the Electrical and Computer Technology Department of UP. His research interests include medical image analysis, image processing, pattern recognition and 3D information representation.

  • Dr. Christoyianni Ioanna (External Member), Electrical & Computer Engineering Dept, University of Patras (Medical Image Analysis)

    Ioanna Christoyianni was born in Ioannina. She received an engineering diploma from the Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Patras, in 1996. In 2002 she received a doctorate diploma (PhD) from the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering of the University of Patras. She is currently Lab Lecturer the Wire Communications Lab (WCL) of the University of Patras. Her main research interests are in the area of digital signal processing, digital image processing, digital mammography and pattern recognition.

PhD Students
  • Anyfantis Dionysios, MSc, Electrical & Computer Engineer (Medical Image Analysis)

    Dionysios Anyfantis received his Bachelor degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department from the University of Patras (UoP), Greece, in 1998. He holds two MScs in Computer Science and Applications. His research interests include medical image analysis, image processing, data mining, machine learning, routing algorithms. He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece and the Hellenic Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers. From December 2003 until now, he has worked as a System Administrator in the Department of Mathematics, University of Patras. His PhD topic is “Automated System for Detecting and Identifying Suspicious Cancerous Areas in Mammograms”

  • Michalopoulos Apostolis MSc, Electrical & Computer Engineer (EEG signal analysis)
    His PhD topic is “Automatic Detection and Analysis of human brain activity during sleep using EEG”

  • Vasilakakis Ioannis MSc. (EEG signal analysis)
    His PhD topic is “Intelligent Sleep Analysis System for Epileptogenic Zone Detection in Epileptic Patients via EEG Signals”
Graduate Students
  • Volakis Dimitrios, Computer & Informatics Engineer (Music Emotion Recognition)
  • Frouzis Ioannis, Computer & Informatics Engineer (Music Emotion Recognition
  • Milopoulos Panagiotis, Computer & Informatics Engineer (Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Bio-Signal Controlled Game Design)
  • Mataragkas George, Computer & Informatics Engineer (Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Bio-Signal Controlled Game Design)
  • Kontaxi Nena, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (Human Brain signal analysis and applications)
  • Pappa Athina, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (Human Brain signal analysis and applications)
  • Kourgiala Zeta, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (Mental States Study through Handwriting and Drawing Patterns)
  • Papadimitriou Eleni, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (Breast Cancer Detection)
  • Christopoulou Aggeliki, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (Breast Cancer Detection)
Former Members
  • Dafnis Dimitrios, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department (Developing an App for Personalized Fitness and Efficiency Analysis)
  • Pantazopoulos Theodore, Electrical & Computer Engineer (Robotic Motion Control via Brain Computer Interface)